So what is this page?

This page is my page devoted to the The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game using the CODA system by Decipher. Since the maker's site is down, I made this to help out anyone who just got into the game (second-hand or not), or for people wanting to get back in.

Character Sheet

I made a mediocre plain-text and table version of the character sheet, since I couldn't find one floating around. If you really need it, you should have the core rulebook, meaning you can correct any errors. The .pdf is better for printing out and more universally compatible, the .odt will allow digital modifications (if you play through Game Table like I do, you'll want it).
File Size: 17 kb
File Type: odt
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Why .odt? Simple: Open Document Text files are more compatible, plus, the export to the Microsoft .doc format kills the tables, at least on some versions. However, .odt worked on the same test scenario where .doc did not. And it's smaller.
File Size: 66 kb
File Type: pdf
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