So I finally just bought Minecraft, after a fairly long time of contemplation.

Worth it all. The world in the development versions is expansive, beautiful, and just plain awesome. Once multiplayer is added to the larger world (which is apparently technically limited solely by the computer running it, or 8 times the size of the Earth [though it's only 64 meters deep, so don't get too excited]), the game will be, in my opinion, one of the best exploration and cooperative ventures in gaming.

I'd take pictures, but they really can't show the awesome feel of wandering through a large island, climbing to the peak of a large hill, and seeing clouds and islands extending in all directions.

If you buy one game this month, make it Minecraft ($13! It's a great deal).

Plus, even though the current multiplayer is more limited, it's still fun to go around creating huge structures.

EDIT: This is the reason I went on hiatus. Stupid addiction.

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