Ok, I've been playing a lot of awesome old stuff like Sonic Adventure DX (from Gamer's Gate), Gear Head, and Borderlands, so I don't really have a lot of review stuff, and indeed, I don't think I've played anything *new* this week enough to review it (though I did get Humble Indie Bundle 3, and I've been enjoying the horrendously difficult VVVVVV).

OpenClonk is probably the newest development I've seen, though. I've played it before, but not for a good while. It's gotten a lot better since, since I played it around the first announcement (at which it was just Open, and not really Clonk), and I have to say it's enjoyable. There's still some glitches, but you can play a tower-defense-sorta-kinda-maybe-without-the-towers-but-defending-windmills-with-bows-and-muskets multiplayer mode, as well as king of the hill and races (one of which is on rockets!). It's a lot of fun, though there's not much for single player. If you think you have what it takes, it is open source and it aims to be modifiable, so you could make your own levels
Ok, I recognize that what I am playing is an emasculatingly light-hearted kid's game, but it's still pretty good.

Picture a 3d Zelda game in the perspective of the original Zelda, then put it in a clockwork (I hesitate to say Steampunk, since while the theme's there the mood isn't, but it may give an idea of how the world's set up) and cooperative play.

It's pretty good, all things included, though there is an energy gauge that can wind up meaning that you can only play a limited amount per day, though additional energy can be bought with cash (in-game or in-reality). It's published by Sega, so that could give you an idea of the quality level - it's a full quality game with F2P MMO trappings.

Ultimately, it's a kid's game. However, it's a really solid, fun kid's game that a parent could play without too much shame (since it is, after all, awesome for the gameplay and art).
I said I'd have WS:IV up by the end of April, I think.

I just checked, and it's not up!

Here it is (packaged with WS:III, since they're really dependent upon each other).

Funny, I could've sworn I put it up. Could be the result of caffeine, headaches, Excedrine, and various other factors.
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So I've had a DriveThruRPG account for a long time (apparently to my latest e-mail address, so it can't be that long, I'm surprised I didn't remember it when I tried to create a new one). I recommend it heartily to everyone who has even a slight interest in tabletop gaming. It has tons of free stuff (account is required) as well as other great stuff. Plus, as an added bonus, Classic Traveller is on sale for absolutely nothing (April 7, 2010). So here's a link to it:

Classic Traveller

If you just want to go to DriveThruRPG, a link is available on the side bar.

Oh, one more thing: Check the e-mail invoice from the purchase, it contains links to two additional PDF files that are required to play. It would be nice if they would be more clear about this, but it's still a neat site.

EDIT: You can get Heavy Gear 2nd Edition (and the Technical Manual) and Classic Spycraft, both  of which I highly recommend [though Classic Spycraft will require a d20 player's handbook, there is the "Modern d20 Core Kit" {search that exactly} which is free which can take its place]. Also, there are some nice compiled SRD PDF's.
It's here. Finally. Sorry it's so short. It details the basic mechanics, at least.
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In other news, what's up with Biden? I haven't heard much about what he said, so I guess it must not be a big ****ing deal like he said. Meh.

I would've gotten in huge trouble though, so I'd like to see some closure on it. I mean, I don't begrudge him swearing, but on national television? Seriously? Can't you just flip the mic off?
WASTE Supplemental II is ready (though the adventure is horrible, I stink at writing them, so it's a case of getting what you pay for (sorry). If you want to contribute an adventure, e-mail me at [email protected] (and I'm gonna get a crapton of spam now).

Anyways, there's also a character sheet with it. I'm not so happy with the character sheet.

Oh, and maybe I'll come up with rules for character advancement sometime. Sure the equipment will be a massive boost, but you will want to be able to hit with it.
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So I don't watch many movies. Terminator Salvation was one I liked. So imagine when I stumble onto this news article on CNET. Basically, you can get it for free through a DivX movie downloading site (which is legal, I point out), as a giveaway.

Follow the four easy steps, download, and enjoy.
WASTE is a focus-shifted project I've been working on. Basically, it's a free pen and paper RPG in a "sufficiently advanced" science fiction setting, with the goals of simplicity but also being able to achieve precision. You can download the first release (compiled in a hurry while I was tired, so it's not quality guaranteed, but it should be pretty fine). It aims to provide a minimal-framework role playing experience, with rolls being available to help things along.

The first release, a 1-page 1-sitting compilation can be downloaded below.
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This was made a week after this original post, and includes some fixes and updates.