It's here. Finally. Sorry it's so short. It details the basic mechanics, at least.
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In other news, what's up with Biden? I haven't heard much about what he said, so I guess it must not be a big ****ing deal like he said. Meh.

I would've gotten in huge trouble though, so I'd like to see some closure on it. I mean, I don't begrudge him swearing, but on national television? Seriously? Can't you just flip the mic off?



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Not much new, but there's Fred.

WASTE Supplemental III should be coming soon, I'm tentatively saying Monday, though I'm not sure, since I'm splitting time with another project (which will be announced then).

I also came across this thing that I was working on and finished it up. You can see it below the break (Warning, it's a pseudo-first drawing, so it's pretty pathetic). This is part of why it's hidden.

WASTE Supplemental II is ready (though the adventure is horrible, I stink at writing them, so it's a case of getting what you pay for (sorry). If you want to contribute an adventure, e-mail me at [email protected] (and I'm gonna get a crapton of spam now).

Anyways, there's also a character sheet with it. I'm not so happy with the character sheet.

Oh, and maybe I'll come up with rules for character advancement sometime. Sure the equipment will be a massive boost, but you will want to be able to hit with it.
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So I don't watch many movies. Terminator Salvation was one I liked. So imagine when I stumble onto this news article on CNET. Basically, you can get it for free through a DivX movie downloading site (which is legal, I point out), as a giveaway.

Follow the four easy steps, download, and enjoy.
Well, sorry for not getting this done sooner. This covers advanced combat in WASTE (not quite fully, but more or less, there's still massive approximation to be done, but it'll be better).

Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 was responsible for both the creation and delay of this supplement, since it got me thinking about how it would work, but I beat it twice over the weekend, meaning it took up a lot of time (normal and realistic, by the way, I did a level or two on casual, but it was so unrewarding and not that much easier). For some reason, the "stealth-action" style was replaced by "shotgun rampage" style whenever I got a shotgun and a few shells, so I didn't really play it right most of the time.

Rant over, download it below. Includes more items in addition to rules, and some new items for the new rules (i.e. cameras, scopes). It is important to notice that any rules are optional, so not all the extended rules are required or even recommended, they are there for completion.

I feel a need to shield myself by pointing out that WASTE is not physics-friendly, it plays by gameplay, not actual reality. As such, certain things are arbitrarily lethal or expensive.

Oh, and just to answer a question people may have, ammunition is not counted, as every weapon is an "energy" weapon, though the method of their operation is to convert a plentiful amount of energy from a generator (the direct unleashing of this power would be too dangerous to use, and is restricted for remotely detonated bombs, necessitating a relatively ineffective, but satisfying method of release) into matter, then propel this magnetic matter towards the target. In other words, everything is a railgun that makes its own ammo.
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WASTE is a focus-shifted project I've been working on. Basically, it's a free pen and paper RPG in a "sufficiently advanced" science fiction setting, with the goals of simplicity but also being able to achieve precision. You can download the first release (compiled in a hurry while I was tired, so it's not quality guaranteed, but it should be pretty fine). It aims to provide a minimal-framework role playing experience, with rolls being available to help things along.

The first release, a 1-page 1-sitting compilation can be downloaded below.
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This was made a week after this original post, and includes some fixes and updates.