Okay, so you'll see a lot of stuff if you go over to my other site. I got up two animations, they're also on Vimeo. The names are Grass: Cycle of Life, and Dinorat. However, you can't see them here. Have a few teasers, though, to entice you to go and look.

Dinorat is a simple piece, testing zoom, blur, tons of effects, and plant animation. It was not intended to have exceptional artistry. The titular Dinorat was merely an agent to test animation of plants to simulate physical contact.

Grass: Cycle of Life is even simpler, testing color adjustments and primitive usage of plants to simulate grass.
WWI Source, and Synfig have been using up all my time.

Sorry. I started a new site to host my animations, but its editor is more sparse than Weebly, and it's a pure-animation site, so this will continue being my main general-stuff site.

Oh, but I made a little present, counters for a generic d20 game. It has distance measuring spaces for use in lieu of a grid, and was designed with the Star Wars d20 (first, not Saga edition) game in mind. 8 to a page. Write small.
File Size: 33 kb
File Type: pdf
Download File

I'm still alive. I just heard about MW:LL taking Mod of the Year at ModDB, so I need to get my hands on a copy of Crysis sometime.

Either way, I've been playing Fistful of Frags.
Who can be blue looking at jellyfish?

Original Title: Jellies03
Source: morgueFile
Filename: jellies03.jpg
Original Photographer: Beglib
Tools Used:Inkscape, GIMP
File Size: 978 kb
File Type: png
Download File

Dark and moody, but ultimately kind of cheerful in the end. Involved tracing and vector effects in Inkscape, followed quickly by a GIMP session involving contrast and color. It's in .png, and it's based off of a photo from morgueFile.

Hopefully there isn't a horribly restrictive limitation on this kind of thing with free Weebly.

Original Title: Tunnel
Original Filename: tunnelCN_9436.jpg
Original Photographer: Clarita
Tools Used:Inkscape, GIMP
And it was so short, and still ran out of time. Oh well, I'll try to run it again soon.

On a mostly unrelated note, GearHead 2 made a new release.